We have payment plans to fit your budget! Apply today, with No Affect on your credit!
Our core business is financing medical and dental procedures. As a FinTech company, Credit Technologies developed a patient financing program along with TransUnion and some of the best known banks in the world (i.e. US Bank, Citi Bank, Berkshire Hathaway). While most patient financing companies only work with one bank behind them, our len
Our core business is financing medical and dental procedures. As a FinTech company, Credit Technologies developed a patient financing program along with TransUnion and some of the best known banks in the world (i.e. US Bank, Citi Bank, Berkshire Hathaway). While most patient financing companies only work with one bank behind them, our lending platform is more like the "Lending Tree" in that we work with multiple lenders who offer loans for people at multiple credit levels via one application. We let healthcare providers use our platform FREE OF CHARGE, so getting them to enroll is very easy. Once enrolled, they will send us their patients who need a payment plan. Every time a loan is approved and closed, you will earn a fee that averages $300 per funding. Since this is all online and fully automated, you will never have to touch an application. Obviously, this is a great way to generate residual income.
Most doctors spend thousands of dollars every month trying to get new patients in their doors. When they get one to come in, they don't know what kind of procedure they may want, or even if they have the money to pay for it. Now compare that to what we do for our doctors. We talk to each person to find out what procedure they are interest
Most doctors spend thousands of dollars every month trying to get new patients in their doors. When they get one to come in, they don't know what kind of procedure they may want, or even if they have the money to pay for it. Now compare that to what we do for our doctors. We talk to each person to find out what procedure they are interested in having. Then we pre-qualify them financially to make sure they can either qualify for financing or pay cash for the procedure. Only when we have a "qualified" person as a legitimate cosmetic surgery candidate, will we give them a list with a doctor's name on it. If a doctor on the list of doctors ends up doing the procedure, they will be very happy to pay your 20% marketing fee. Since the average cosmetic procedure is above $7500 of which you would get paid 20% ($1500), this can create a huge second level of income depending on how much time and effort you want to put in to retail marketing.
Credit Technologies / Cosmetic Surgery USA and/or any of our affiliated companies can never make a prediction of what you will or will not earn from this business opportunity. However, we can show you real numbers as to what is charged and collected.
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